Volatile profile differences between spontaneous and cultivated Hyblean pasture
This study was conducted to investigate and detect differences in aroma-active compounds found in the forage of two Hyblean pasture types: cultivated vs. spontaneous.
Effect of Sicilian pasture feeding management on content of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in cow milk
The aim of the present study was to investigate quality of spontaneous and cultivated pastures and pasture feeding management on Sicilian dairy farms during spring by evaluating α-tocopherol and β-carotene contents of pasture milk under ordinary Sicilian farming conditions.
Variability of volatile profiles in milk from the PDO Ragusano cheese production zone
Native pasture has been shown to have a strong influence on the sensory characteristics of dairy products. However, few studies have been carried out on milk flavor profiles. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of cows’ pasture-based feeding on milk volatile profile.
Increasing pasture intakes enhances polyunsaturated fatty acids and lipophilic antioxidants in plasma and milk of dairy cows fed total mix ration
The aim of the present study was to evaluate the changes in fatty acid composition and fat-soluble antioxidant content in plasma and milk from cows fed with different proportions of pasture.
Acido linoleico coniugato nel formaggio Ragusano DOP.
L’obiettivo del presente lavoro è stato quello di determinare le differenti concentrazioni dei singoli isomeri di CLA nel formaggio Ragusano a diverse giorni di stagionatura. Il Ragusano è un formaggio a pasta filata prodotto con latte vaccino crudo, la cui produzione, su piccola scala, è frutto dell’attività di aziende locali operanti nell’altopiano ibleo, nella zona meridionale della Sicilia. Il Ragusano dal 1996 si fregia del marchio DOP (Denominazione di origine protetta).
Preliminary Evaluation of the Influence of Pasture Feeding on Proteolysis of Ragusano Cheese
The aim of this study was to evaluate the impact of native pasture on the levels and profiles of proteolysis in Ragusano cheese.
Composition and Aroma Compounds of Ragusano Cheese: Native Pasture and Total Mixed Rations
The objectives of our study were to identify plant species eaten by cows during grazing, to compare the odor-active compounds
in the Ragusano cheese from cows eating TMR and native Sicilian pasture-supplemented TMR diets, and to provide the first qualitative characterization of the odor-active compounds present in Ragusano cheese.
Contribution of Native Pasture to the Sensory Properties of Ragusano Cheese
There may be a relationship between these compounds and the flavor or odor of cheese. The objective of this study was to determine whether inclusion of native pastures in the diet of dairy cows changes the color, odor, taste, consistency, or mouth structure of Ragusano cheese.
Aroma compounds of some Hyblean pasture species
The presence of dairy cattle in pastures of very great diversity in plant species presents an interesting problem for study. The objective of this study was, in combination with results of Carpino et al. (2003), to contribute to the characterization of Hyblean native species by utilizing GC–O and GC–MS analysis to identify compounds that may be used as markers to verify Ragusano cheeses as Protected Denomination of Origin (PDO) products.
Forage quality of native pasture in a Mediterannean area
Use of native pastures will support the relationship between quality of dairy products and their origin. The nutritional and chemical composition of individuals species and their mixtures are reported in this paper.