Bagnatura diretta delle bovine benefici su fisiologia e produzione

Effetti di differenti sistemi di raffrescamento in una stalla per vacche da latte in clima mediterraneo. da una prova condotta in provincia di Ragusa, presso un’azienda zootecnica sita ad Acate in provicia di Ragusa ad una altitudine di 234m dal livello del mare. Prova articolata in due anni. Il primo anno è stato utilizzato l’esistente impianto di raffrescamento, durante il secondo anno. è stato utilizzato un sistema di bagnatura diretta degli animali, accoppiato a ventilazione forzata, appositamente progettato ed installato.
Data handling and processing to evaluate dairy farm management through a web application.

The objective of this project therefore goes beyond the simple locally developed farm management. In order to facilitate decision-making an online service was created offering to every farmer the possibility to check via the web the activity being carried out in the farm in order to improve productivity and reduce operating costs.
Effect of Thermal Stress, Cistern Size and Milking Frequency on Plasma Mineral Concentrations in Holstein Dairy Cows

The present study was designed to determine the effects of heat stress and cistern size as well as the effect of milking frequency under heat stress on plasma minerals in dairy cows with small and large cistern.
Segmentation of structural features in cheese micrographs using pixel statistics

In this paper, a machine learning method was employed based on a statistical model of image pixels, learned from sample images by human training. The observation underlying to this class of segmentation
methods is that image pixels can be considered as a statistical population.

I risultati ottenuti con lo SMart nose system sono stati considerati affidabili per la determinazione dei livelli di stabilità dei formaggi. L’associazione di tale analisi con alcuni parametri fisico–chimici e microbiologici, ottimizzandone l’efficacia, consente di esprimere un giudizio definitivo sulla durabilità dei formaggi.
Hormonal (Thyroxin, Cortisol) and Immunological (Leucocytes) Responses to Cistern Size and Heat Stress in Tunisia

The present study was designed to determine the effects of heat stress on plasma leucocytes, T4 and cortisol concentrations in
dairy cows with small and large cistern under significant climate changes.
Objective estimation of body condition score by modeling cow body shape from digital images

The aim of the present study was to develop a technique to model the body shape of a cow from which learned parameters could be used in BCS estimation. A further objective was to build a benchmark data set useful for dairy cattle research purposes, available.
through the Internet.
Objective estimation of body condition score by modeling cow body shape from digital images

Modeling BCS (Body Condition Score). The aim of the present study was to develop a technique to model the body shape of a cow from which learned parameters could be used in BCS estimation.
A further objective was to build a benchmark data set useful for dairy cattle research purposes, available through the Internet.
Associations of breed and feeding management with milk production

The objective of this study was to identify sources of variation able to explain differences between herds in milk and milk component production curves obtained from routine evaluation software.
Variance Components for Test-Day Milk, Fat, and Protein Yield, and Somatic Cell Score for Analyzing Management Information

The objective of this study was to estimate variance components for TD milk, fat, and protein yield, and SCS by using a random regression TD model. Special focus is given to HCUR and HTD variances, which are mainly related to between- and within-herd management.