Stability of a-tocopherol, g-tocopherol and b-carotene….
The objectives of this study were to examine the ripening stability of a-tocopherol, g-tocopherol and b-carotene in pasta-filata cheese in relation to different contents of the respective vitamins in milk, which may occur under realistic production conditions, and to the use of either raw or pasteurised milk.
Stage of lactation and corresponding diets affect in situ protein degradation by dairy cows
Our objectives were (1) to measure and compare in situ ruminal CP degradation parameters and RUP of selected protein sources and TMR samples in dairy cows fed diets for 3 stages of lactation, and (2) to determine the hydrolysis time needed for an in vitro Streptomyces griseus procedure that would generate extent of undegraded CP corresponding to in situ RUP
Effect of Sicilian pasture feeding management on content of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in cow milk
The aim of the present study was to investigate quality of spontaneous and cultivated pastures and pasture feeding management on Sicilian dairy farms during spring by evaluating α-tocopherol and β-carotene contents of pasture milk under ordinary Sicilian farming conditions.
Variability of volatile profiles in milk from the PDO Ragusano cheese production zone
Native pasture has been shown to have a strong influence on the sensory characteristics of dairy products. However, few studies have been carried out on milk flavor profiles. The aim of the present study was to evaluate the influence of cows’ pasture-based feeding on milk volatile profile.
Influence of season and pasture feeding on the content of α-tocopherol and β-carotene in milk from Holstein, Brown Swiss and Modicana cows in Sicily
The objective of this study was, therefore, to evaluate α-tocopherol and β-carotene concentrations in cows’ milk by monitoring two grazing seasons in Sicily (spring and fall) as well as the summer no-pasture season. Besides diet, other factors such as animal breed, stage of lactation and health status may influence fat-soluble antioxidant vitamin concentration in milk
How do dairy cows chew?—Particle size analysis of selected feeds with different particle length distributions and of respective ingested bolus particles
The objective of our study was to measure lengths and DM proportions of selected feed and their respective bolus particles with lengths of at least 5 mm. Particles with these lengths were considered to be potentially retained in the rumen. The data were used to estimate particle size reduction during ingestive mastication and to examine the relationship between feed and bolus particle distribution to investigate the influence of initial feed particle size on bolus particle size.
Effect of Thermal Stress, Cistern Size and Milking Frequency on Plasma Mineral Concentrations in Holstein Dairy Cows
The present study was designed to determine the effects of heat stress and cistern size as well as the effect of milking frequency under heat stress on plasma minerals in dairy cows with small and large cistern.
Hormonal (Thyroxin, Cortisol) and Immunological (Leucocytes) Responses to Cistern Size and Heat Stress in Tunisia
The present study was designed to determine the effects of heat stress on plasma leucocytes, T4 and cortisol concentrations in
dairy cows with small and large cistern under significant climate changes.
Effect of dehydration by sun or by oven on volatiles and aroma compounds of Trachanas
The objective of this study was to assess whether drying methods (sun vs. oven) of Trachanas influence its aroma profile.
In questo studio si è quindi voluto valutare l’impiego della spettroscopia nel vicino infrarosso, quale tecnica rapida e non distruttiva per la predizione delle composizioni centesimali ed inoltre si è voluto valutare se la stessa tecnica sia in grado di determinare il tempo di stagionatura di un formaggio e aumentare quindi l’informazione ricavabile con un’analisi NIRS. L’utilizzo della tecnica NIRS si inserisce in un progetto di ricerca più ampio di caratterizzazione del prodotto dal punto di vista chimico e microbiologico con l’obiettivo di identificare delle aree di vocazione (aree crue) di produzione del formaggio Pecorino in Sicilia.