The Board of Directors is made up of three members, appointed respectively by the Regional Department of Agriculture, Rural Development and Mediterranean Fisheries, by the University of Catania and by the Municipality of Ragusa. The Directors are appointed for a period of four financial years. Each member of the Board of Directors has one vote. The members of the Board of Auditors participate in the meetings of the Board of Directors in an advisory capacity. The Council is convened and chaired by the President or, in his absence, by the Vice President. It is invested with the broadest powers to achieve the objectives of the Consortium according to the scientific guidelines formulated by the Scientific Committee. In addition to approving the financial statements, the Board of Directors is responsible for:

-appoint the Vice President of the Consortium

– decide on the situation and functioning of the offices and staff

-approve the programmatic lines and general directions of the Consortium’s activity

-approve the regulations for the functioning of the bodies and offices

-administer the assets of the Consortium.

To make functioning easier, the Council can delegate its duties to the President. The President must inform the Council of the acts relating to the delegated powers in the first session following their adoption.

The Board of Directors meets on an ordinary basis at least once a month, and on an extraordinary basis whenever the President deems it necessary or makes a written request, with an indication of the matters to be discussed, by at least two of its members.

The President and the members of the Council were appointed with D.A n°
The institution is under the governance of President Cinzia Caggia
For the documents relating to the members of the council go to the transparent administration section – holders of political positions of management or government.


In order to pursue the objectives of CoRFiLaC, the Assembly of Consortium members appoints the Scientific Committee made up of six members. The members of the committee are chosen on the basis of three groups recommended by Sicilian universities, among people who are particularly expert in the field of research and experimentation in the dairy sector and more generally in the agri-food sector.

It develops the experimental research programs which are sent together with the cost estimate to the Board of Directors, for which it provides consultancy, especially with regards to applied research and experimentation and for any other technical-scientific issue.

The activity of the Scientific Committee is coordinated by the President of the Consortium, who must provide the Board of Directors with a report on all activities undertaken.

The Scientific Committee meets twice a year or when requested by at least three members, the President of the Board of Directors, or the Assembly of Consortium Members.

It meets at least every three months, or when requested by at least three members, the President of CoRFiLaC or the Consortium Members Committee.
