PROYOUNGSTOCK – CORE Organic Cofund Call 2016-2017

The project will check the following hypotheses:

1) calves for stock replacement and fattening benefit from higher quantities of milk, better quality of colostrum and /or of the the cow-calf contact in terms of welfare and productive performance.

2) Different extensive grazing and forage systems for young livestock and alternative green forage/feed supplements have a positive impact on older age performance and longevity of animals

Microbiology Laboratory

Microbiology lab develops routine and experimental activities of analysis to support the various research area of the CoRFiLaC by both using the classical microbiological tecniques and the use of biotecnologies in particular by using advanced molecular methodologies of PCR.

Milk and Dairy Products

Milk and Dairy products lab works for providing a functional service to the whole Sicilian zootechnical field. Thanks to its infrastructure, its equipment and its analytical procedures validated internally and through participation to national interlaboratory circuits, this lab provides a efficient support to cheese producers and supplies targeted technical assistance in the dairy sector.


Forages analyses are directed to the farmers, technicians and feedstuff factories, in fact the laboratory beyond the chemical and physical analysis it offers, in collaboration with the group of extension service, suggestion in order to provide the right parameter to search and the interpretation of the analysis results.

Laboratory for Antioxidants and CLA

The laboratory for antioxidants Analysis and CLA is part of the Milk and dairy products lab. Milk and cheeses are considered “functional foods” for the presence of nutraceutic molecules, like conjugated linoleic acid (CLA), omega-3 and fat-soluble vitamins, besides their nutritional value they also have a beneficial effect on human health.
