Use of smart nose and GC/MS/O analysis to defi ne volatile fi ngerprint of a goatskin bag cheese “Bouhezza”

Ouarda Aissaoui Zitoun-Hamama1*, Stefania Carpino2, Teresa Rapisarda2, Giovanni Belvedere2, Giuseppe Licitra3, Mohammed Nasser Eddine Zidoune1

1- Laboratory of Nutrition and Food Technology, INATAA, University of Mentouri Brothers of Constantine, Ain El Bey Street, Constantine, Algeria,
2- CoRFiLaC, Regione Siciliana, s.p. 25 km 5 Ragusa Mare, 97100 Ragusa, Italy,
3- D.I.S.P.A., University of Catania, via Val di Savoia 5, 95123 Catania, Italy

Bouhezza is an Algerian ripened cheese manufactured specifi cally in a goatskin bag with “Lben”, salt and raw milk for several weeks. The aim of this study was to characterize the unknown aromatic profi le of the Bouhezza using SMart Nose, gas chromatography/mass spectrometry (GC/MS) and GC/MS/Olfactometry. In a fi rst step, four farmhouse Bouhezza cheeses were analyzed by SMart Nose and by GC/MS to investigate volatile profi le at 75 and 150 ripening days. In a second step, two Bouhezza cheeses produced under controlled conditions according to the traditional process were analyzed during manufacturing-ripening by GC/MS/Olfactometry, to detect odor active compounds changes. Results showed higher variability of volatiles in cheeses at 75 days ripening compared to 150 days. Farmhouse and experimental cheeses showed esters the most abundant volatile compounds detected with GC/MS and GC/MS/Olfactometry. Ten odor active compounds were common between cheeses whatever is the origin or the age. These compounds can be considered as marker of the aromatic profi le of Bouhezza cheese, not yet established.

Keywords: Bouhezza cheese; Goatskin bag; SMart Nose; Olfactometry; Volatile profile

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Mrs. Ouarda Aissaoui Zitoun-Hamama

Laboratory of Nutrition and Food Technology, INATAA, University of Mentouri Brothers of Constantine
