Optimal Procedures to Valorize High-Quality Traditional Dairy Products (book chapter)

Catia Pasta 1, Rosario Petriglieri 1 and Margherita Caccamo 1

1 – CoRFiLaC, Consorzio di Ricerca Filiera Lattiero-Casearia, Regione Siciliana, s.p. 25 km 5 Ragusa-Mare, 97100 Ragusa, Italy

Traditional cheeses represent by themselves high-quality productions that are expressions of a production system highly linked to the territory. Biodiversity factors rising from the natural system have been extensively studied, and their effect on the quality of dairy products has been scientifically shown. CoRFiLaC is among the main contributors to this field with many studies developed on traditional productions in different environments. The main goal of the chapter is to highlight through case studies the methods applied in scientific protocols in order to define, besides the identification of biodiversity factors affecting quality, and valorize health properties and safety aspects and to understand consumer reactions and intentions to purchase depending on specific characteristics of final products. The combination of research performed in every single aspect of traditional production is the real challenge and good strategy to valorize high quality goods.

Keywords: biodiversity, consumer expectations, traditional products, marketing


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Catia Pasta

