CoRFiLaC offers students a multidisciplinary educational path that explores the entire dairy supply chain through a guided tour of the facility and laboratories.
During the course, students have the opportunity to:

• Acquire information on milk and dairy products and the importance of a healthy diet.
• Know the cheesemaking and maturing process of historic Sicilian cheeses.
• Witness the spinning live and enrich the sensory experience through taste workshops.
• Deepen the importance of research and the cultural and scientific processes that lead to the certification of DOP cheeses from Sicily.
• Develop alternating training courses useful for orienting students to the world of work, continuing their studies and developing transversal skills (PCTO).

CoRFiLaC makes its skills available to educational institutions for the implementation of projects, within the National Operational Program (PON) of the Ministry of Education, University and Research.

