CoRFiLaC’s activities, based on criteria of efficiency, effectiveness and cost-effectiveness, are carried out thanks to highly specialized personnel and cutting-edge laboratory equipment that allow the development of new research techniques and methodologies, providing a qualified service to companies. The laboratories are able to offer private individuals, organizations and companies a complete, professional analytical service with a high technical-scientific content and are specialized in the analysis of food matrices, forage and feed for chemical, microbiological and sensorial parameters. The analyzes are accompanied by consultancy activities, with which the results are explained and interpreted in order to resolve problems, improve work processes and the qualitative development of companies. The expert staff and the latest generation instruments guarantee users high reliability of the data and a security seal on the service offered. CoRFiLaC is included in the list of laboratories of the Sicily Region (registration no. 2017/RG/007) which they carry out analyzes as part of the self-control procedures of food companies and are accredited by Accredia (laboratory code no. 0316L) as a laboratory operating in compliance with the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025:2018 standard. The body carries out technical assistance for the execution of official analyzes aimed at the control and certification of dairy production and is accredited by Accredia (code 0322PRD), pursuant to the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17065 standard, for covered agricultural and food products by Reg. (EU) 1151/2012.
CoRFiLaC is part of a dense scientific network made up of numerous Italian and foreign research institutes and university centers. He actively collaborates with universities in the Mediterranean countries (Spain, Algeria, Tunisia, Morocco, Cyprus, Turkey), the United States, Canada, Brazil and with numerous European countries.
Furthermore, CoRFiLaC is engaged in training and advanced training courses which include the implementation of internships, internships and research doctorates with a high scientific profile, carried out in collaboration with Italian and foreign universities. The institution is also accredited for carrying out regional training activities (CIR DHH746) for the following macro-types: B – Subsequent Training, C – Higher Training and D – Continuous and Permanent Training.