With Ministerial Decree no. 55 of 03 April 2013, which came into force on 6 June 2013, the starting obligations for electronic invoicing in economic relations with the Public Administration were established, pursuant to Law 244/2007, art. 1, paragraphs from 209 to 214.
In compliance with this provision, starting from 31 March 2015 the CoRFiLaC will no longer be able to accept invoices that are not sent in electronic form, in compliance with the technical specifications available on the website www.fatturapa.gov.it. The CoRFiLaC is responsible for receiving the invoices electronic and is included in the Index of Public Administrations (IPA), which can be consulted at the following address www.indexpa.gov.it.
The Unique Office Code is mandatory data on the electronic invoice and represents the identifier that allows the Exchange System (SdI), managed by the Revenue Agency, to correctly deliver the electronic invoice to the recipient office.
Below is the IPA Code and the Univocal Office Code to which electronic invoices must be addressed from 31 March 2015:
IPA CODE: clrfl_
PEC address: amministrazione@pec.corfilac.it