The laboratory for animal feed analysis, beyond to conduct activity that support the applied research, it offers an analytic service for the chemical and nutritional feeds evaluation, in order to estimate with sufficient precision the productive response of the animals. Moreover in the laboratory are determined some contaminant factors as the mycotoxins.

Following the list of the analysis that are developed in the Laboratory for Aniaml Feed Analysis:

  • Forages; hays; haysilages; silages; green forages;
  • Concetrated; raw materials (cereals/legumes), complex concentrate;
  • Subproducts from farm and firm (straw, wheat sub products, extracted flours
  • Unifeed.

The forages analysis are directed to the farmers, technicians and feedstuff factories, in fact the laboratory beyond the chemical and physical analysis it offers, in collaboration with the group of extension service, suggestion in order to provide the right parameter to search and the interpretation of the analysis results.[/vc_column_text][vc_separator type=”normal”][vc_column_text]The laboratory is also supplied with NIR (Near Infrared Reflectance), an innovative equipment able to provide, in real time, analysis results. This instruments allows, in few minutes, to evaluate nutrition characteristics of feed cattle with precision and reduced costs.


The quality in our labs follows the certification UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025: 2005 with the accreditation ACCREDIA (National System laboratory accreditation) code 0316.

Ring Test

The ring test is included in the Italian interlaboratories network to supervising the quality of analytical data.
