The accreditation of the Laboratories & Services Sector and the Agri-food Certification Sector is the attestation, by Accredia, of the competence, impartiality and independence with which CoRFiLaC carries out its activity.

Since 2001, the Laboratories & Services Area has been in possession of the accreditation in compliance with the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17025-2018 standard with no. 0316, the Agri-food Certification Area operates in compliance with the UNI CEI EN ISO/IEC 17065 standard, accreditation certificate issued by Accredia no. 0322.

The test report or certificate of conformity issued by CoRFiLaC certifies that all the rigorous obligations required to place a product on the market with a high degree of reliability in terms of quality and safety have been followed.

CoRFiLaC is an Accredited Body for Vocational Orientation and Training by the Sicily Region with CIR code DHH746 for the macro-types:

B – Subsequent Training.
C – Higher Training.
D – Continuous and Permanent Training.

