Botanical composition and aroma compounds of semi‐arid pastures in Algeria.

Asma Senoussi¹,²| Iris Schadt³| Soraya Hioun⁴ | Zineddine Saoudi⁶ | Ouarda Aissaoui Zitoun–Hamama⁶ | Haroun Chenchouni⁴,⁵ | Mohammed Nasreddine Zidoune² | Stefania Carpino⁷ | Teresa Rapisarda³

1Department of Applied Biology, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Nature and Life Sciences, University of Larbi Tebessi- Tebessa, Tebessa, Algeria

2Laboratoire de Nutrition et Technologies Alimentaires (LNTA), Equipe “TEPA”, INATAA. University of Constantine 1, Constantine, Algeria

3Consorzio di Ricerca Lattiero Casearia (CoRFiLaC), Ragusa, Sicilia, Italy

4Department of Nature and Life Sciences, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Nature
and Life Sciences, University of Tebessa, Tebessa, Algeria

5Laboratory of Natural Resources and Management of Sensitive Environments ‘RNAMS’, University of Larbi Ben M’hidi, Oum-El-Bouaghi, Algeria

6Laboratoire de Génie Agro-Alimentaire (GeniAAl), INATAA. University of Constantine 1, Constantine, Algeria

7Department of central inspectorate for fraud repression and quality protection of the agri-food products and foodstuffs (ICQRF), Laboratory of Perugia, Perugia, Italy


Asma Senoussi, Department of Applied Biology, Faculty of Exact Sciences and Nature and Life Sciences, University of Larbi Tebessi- Tebessa, Tebessa, Algeria and Laboratoire de Nutrition et Technologies Alimentaires (LNTA), Equipe “TEPA”, INATAA. University of Constantine 1, Constantine, Algeria.; asma.


This study aims to determine the botanical composition of different pastures in a semiarid region of Algeria and investigate the aromatic profile of the characteristic plant species grazed by goats and sheep. At three pastures (1: montane area with spontaneous vegetation ‘never cultivated before’, 2: previously cultivated but set at rest, 3: cultivated, under cereal production), plants were sampled twice during April– May to determine plant composition. Based on dominance of fresh aerial biomass of each plant per pasture and consumption by dairy goats, 10 species (Atractylis humilis, Calendula arvensis, Filago pygmaea, Globularia alypum, Hordeum vulgare, Malva sylves- tris, Plantago sp., Scolymus hispanicus, Sonchus asper and Thymus algeriensis) were se- lected and sampled once at flowering stage to characterize their aromatic profile. The odour-active compounds (OACs) of the selected species were extracted using steam distillation, then detected and identified using gas chromatography/mass spectrom- etry/olfactometry (GC/MS/O). The analysis of botanical composition revealed the presence of 70 species (29 in mountain, 40 in set at rest, 11 in cultivated pasture) belonging to 62 genera and 22 families, with dominance of Asteraceae species. A total of 86 different OACs were identified, including mainly terpenes (21) and al- dehydes (18). Among the OACs, 19 different compounds have various odour notes including herbaceous, floral, sweet spicy, fried, mint, cooked, fruity, sulphur, sweet and unpleasant notes. The number of OACs and individual chemical classes differed significantly between selected species. Atractylis humilis contained more OACs than Scolymus hispanicus and Plantago sp., whereas Globularia alypum had higher number of OACs compared to Plantago sp. This study gave a general overview on plant aroma profile of semiarid pastures in Algeria and suggests that the aromatic profile of grazed plants in the pasture is determinant of the aromatic quality of dairy-derived foods which depends also on animal feed selection.


algerian semi-arid pastures, botanical composition, GC/MS/Olfactometry, odour-active compounds, steam distillation extraction, volatile profile

Grass Forage Sci. 2021;76:282–299


Asma Senoussi
