T. Rapisarda1 ∗, S. La Terra1, V. M. Marino1, G. Belvedere1, F. La Terra1, S. Carpino1, and G. Licitra2
1- Consorzio Ricerca Filiera Lattiero Casearia, Regione Siciliana
2- DISPA, Catania University, 95100, Italy
Specific aromatic compounds (terpene compounds), polyunsaturated fatty acids (PUFA), conjugated linoleic acid (CLA) and lipo-soluble vitamins (α-tocopherol and β-carotene) in milk are considered as neutraceutical compounds due to their human healthy effects. Animal feeding highly influences milk and dairy products quality, especially for chemical-physical parameters, sensorial, aromatic and neutraceutical characteristics. The aim of this study was to analyse and to compare aromatic and nutritional properties of “Nobilat” milk from Appennino Campano area with high milk quality ones, confirming a good correlation between them.
Keywords: Aromatic Compounds, PUFA, Vitamins, milk
Teresa Rapisarda